Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ravel my threads and call me tinked

I have nothing to write about.

This blog was probably not a good idea, because I'm not an expert at knitting and I really didn't have any words of wisdom to share.

Blogger is not too nice to those of us with Apples/Macs, so there's another reason why this didn't work out.

I do hang out on Ravelry. I am woolizard.

I had a little bit of fun here, and thank all three of you who commented.



Kucki68 said...

Now that the Harlot has linked you, you will have more than 3...

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky! Linked by the Harlot! I'm jealous. I had trouble with Blogger, too, and I have a PC. I switched to Word Press and put it on my own website. It works much better, but there's definitely a learning curve when putting it on your own site...